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User Details by BetterTTV ID

User details lists information related to the user and Twitch channel, such as channel-specific "bot" accounts (for the bot badge), Twitch username / display name and what emotes are tied the channel.

This endpoint is used when loading the BetterTTV dashboard


GET /users/:userId

The :userId should be replaced with the BetterTTV user ID / hash.
For example: 550c2819ff8ecee922d2a421


Parameters are optional, but defaults will only work if you do not include the parameter with your request.
An empty parameter (e.g. personal=) will return an error.

personal (Optional)

If set to true, it includes another key (personalEmotes) to the response object that contains the user's personal emotes (if any).
If set to false, the personalEmotes is omitted completely.

Default: false
Allowed values: false / true

personal example: GET /users/550c2819ff8ecee922d2a421?personal=true

Example response

GET /users/550c2819ff8ecee922d2a421?personal=true

Only one emote is included per category in the example.

    "id": "550c2819ff8ecee922d2a421",
    "name": "decicus",
    "displayName": "Decicus",
    "providerId": "25622621",
    "bots": [
    "channelEmotes": [
            "id": "5880b15eafc2ff756c3f32cc",
            "code": "CactusPls",
            "imageType": "gif",
            "userId": "550c2819ff8ecee922d2a421",
            "createdAt": "2017-01-19T12:30:22.464Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-02-24T10:27:38.258Z",
            "global": false,
            "live": true,
            "sharing": true,
            "approvalStatus": "APPROVED"
    "sharedEmotes": [
            "id": "58ae8407ff7b7276f8e594f2",
            "code": "POGGERS",
            "imageType": "png",
            "createdAt": "2017-02-23T06:41:11.285Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-02-24T10:30:47.891Z",
            "global": false,
            "live": true,
            "sharing": true,
            "approvalStatus": "APPROVED",
            "user": {
                "id": "57ea01a4665bcff56f0b64da",
                "name": "to_ot",
                "displayName": "tO_Ot",
                "providerId": "133315887"
    "personalEmotes": [
            "id": "583089f4737a8e61abb0186b",
            "code": "OMEGALUL",
            "imageType": "png",
            "createdAt": "2016-11-19T17:20:52.940Z",
            "updatedAt": "2020-02-24T10:22:38.827Z",
            "global": false,
            "live": true,
            "sharing": true,
            "approvalStatus": "APPROVED",
            "user": {
                "id": "56213bb5f3705ab9596e09a9",
                "name": "worthlessvoid",
                "displayName": "worthlessvoid",
                "providerId": "100758407"